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the Superman Syndrome could be killing your business growth
Learn how to identify IT, overcome it AND achieve
Get expert consultation worth rs.11,800/-
now FREE !
Offer Valid Only for 50 SMEs
on First Come First served basis
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the Superman syndrome could be killing your business growth
Learn how to identify IT, overcome it AND achieve < 3X BUSINESS GROWTH >
Get expert consultation worth rs.11,800/-
now FREE
Offer Valid Only for 50 SMEs
on First Come First served basis
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the Superman syndrome could be killing your business growth
Learn how to identify it,
overcome it and achieve
Get expert consultation worth Rs.11,800/-
Offer Valid Only for 50 SMEs
on First Come First served basis
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ATTENTION: Entrepreneurs (SME & FMB)
Do you wonder why your business is not growing the way it should, in spite of working longer and harder?
Do you feel stuck-up, and not getting the results and growth you want in your business?
If yes, then this might be due to The Superman Syndrome. It’s a highly tricky phenomenon that almost every entrepreneur goes through. Sadly a very few of them can identify it and get rid of it.
And that’s why only a handful of entrepreneurs can make it really big in business. Others get stuck at some stage of growth and keep blaming the external factors such as economy, government policies, competition and so on.
The Superman Syndrome is extremely harmful for SMEs. In fact after working closely with over 300 entrepreneurs, I have found that it’s one of the greatest enemy of business owners.
It slows down your progress and silently kills your business growth and success.
The worst part is that all this happens everyday, right in front of you. But you can hardly figure out what’s wrong with it.
And that’s probably because The Superman Syndrome is a kind of demon in disguise of an angel. It’s like an enemy in disguise of a friend who is backstabbing you everyday.
The Superman Syndrome limits your business growth potential because it wastes your precious time, talent and energy everyday. It diminishes your entrepreneurial performance everyday.
Being extremely fatal, if you don’t get rid of it at the right time, it can cost you a fortune. Most probably, it might already be causing you a huge loss of revenues right now!
Hello, my name is Ashish Mudra. I am a Sales and OD Consultant for SMEs since January 2009.
I help Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to maximize their Sales and Organisational Effectiveness through customised training and coaching solutions.
Today, I am offering you a FREE One-To-One Consulting Session in which I will help you understand, identify and overcome the effects of the Superman Syndrome in a systematic way.
The FREE Consulting Program is a part of our 11th Anniversary Celebration due in January 2020. I want to help and empower 50 entrepreneurs / SMEs as a token of gratitude towards the entrepreneur fraternity that helped me achieve a marvellous success over last 11 years.
Kindly note that this FREE service (regular price Rs. 11,800/-) is available to only 50 entrepreneurs / SMEs shortlisted on first-come-first-served basis.
what you are going to learn?
I am going to share some of the finest insights I gained from my 18 years of work experience including 11 years in training and OD consulting. I will share the following 4 essential secrets every entrepreneur should know if he/she wants to avoid making costly mistakes in business:
Top 3 Reasons why most SMEs and FMBs cease to grow beyond a certain limit. Based on first hand research on 300+ entrepreneurs / SMEs.
Decoding the 'Entrepreneurship Matrix'. Check out how the biggest advantages turn into biggest roadblocks in way of business growth.
What is Superman Syndrome and what is it's importance in day to day business operations. How it could be killing your business growth and why it's a demon in disguise of an angel.
Exact step-by-step process to overcome The Superman Syndrome and break the Entrepreneurship Matrix. This will help you accelerate business growth and success up to 3X or even more.
At the end of the session you will be able to..
- Get a quick analysis of your business and a 360 degree expert feedback.
- Know what exactly are be the major roadblocks in the way of accelerating your business growth.
- Gain a clear understanding of SLOPE - the five most important factors affecting the present and the future performance of your business.
- Learn how exactly to boost your leadership and performance by getting rid of The Superman Syndrome.
- Get a powerful insight that will help you realize the spiritual aspect of business. There cannot be a greater self-motivation for you than this.
- Learn HOW exactly you can build / rebuild a self-sustainable business in next two-three years.
what's Special About It?
- The professional insights I am going to share with you during free consultation is NOT some bookish Gyan or just a management theory. It's the Real Working Stuff.
- These secrets are based on the findings of my long term research on 300+ entrepreneurs and promoters of SME, just like you.
- The solutions I may suggest you are absolutely practical and immediately actionable.
- Even a single lesson or technique from this FREE session, can boost your performance in a big way!
what's the 'catch'?
Because, I strongly believe that: "you get everything in life you want, if you give others what they want"
For me, there is no greater joy than the joy of giving, especially when I am celebrating my 11the anniversary in the business of Sales and OD consulting. This is one way of expressing my gratitude towards entrepreneurs and SME sector that helped me achieve grand success and fulfilment in life.
However, I would expect a small favour from you at the end of the session. I would request you to share your genuine feedback about me and my service. We may record your response and use it for promotional purposes. That’s it!
Sales & OD Consultant For SME
“When you choose me, you are actually choosing a Business Growth Consultant with a unique combination of academic qualifications and thorough domain expertise.”
Trainer, Coach & OD Consultant
Who has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and promoters of SMEs. The one who has invented multiple tools, techniques and processes to improve productivity & performance.
Expert - Sales and Business Development
Who has numerous personal success stories and excellent track record as a Salesperson, Manager and Sales Trainer. The one who better knows the importance of bringing in revenues in business.
Industrial & Organizational Psychologist
A Post Graduate in I.O. Psychology (with 9/10 CGPA) who has a thorough understanding of Human Behaviour and various factors affecting personal and organizational effectiveness.
Mechanical Engineer
Who has the innate ability to go to the root cause of every problem. Someone who can also understand your technical issues and is trained to find out creative solutions for complex problems.
The experience you can count on
What My clients say?
Offer Valid Only for 50 SMEs
on First Come First served basis
< Grab it before it's gone >
Superman syndrome
kill your business growth
Superman syndrome
kill your business growth
Learn how to identify IT,
overcome it and achieve
Get expert consultation
worth rs.11,800
now FREE !
Offer Valid Only for 50 SMEs
on First Come First served basis
<< Grab it before it's gone >>
Don't you let the
Superman Syndrome
kill your business growth!
Learn how to identify it,
overcome it and achieve
Get expert consultation
worth Rs.11,800
Offer Valid Only for 50 SMEs
on First Come First served basis
<< Grab it before it's gone >>
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